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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Shutting down the IBM Information Server[DataStage] and WebSphere Application services[WAS]

To shut down the IBM Information Server services and WebSphere Application Server services:

1.      Stop the following services: ASB Agent, Logging Agent, DataStage Telnet Service, DSRPC Server, and DataStage Engine Resource Service.
The engine services will only be present if you installed both the services tier and the engine tier on the same machine.

To stop the services:

Log in with a user that has local administrator privileges.
      b.      Stop these services in the order that they appear in the table.

Note: On Windows, you can use the Services Administrative Tool or the sc command line tool to stop services.
 Order that services must be stopped before backing up IBM Information Server
Service Full Name
Service Short Name
Process Name
DSRPC Service
DataStage Telnet Service
DataStage Engine Resource Service
ASB Agent
Logging Agent

Linux or UNIX
To stop the services:
a.       Login as root.
b.      Run the following command to source the dsenv file. The paths shown in this command assumes that the product is installed in the default location. Your path will vary if you installed IBM Information Server in a different location.

. /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/dsenv

The /.dshome file contains the current engine location. Because UNIX systems support multiple instances of WebSphere DataStage, ensure that /.dshome contains the engine that you want to back up. Otherwise, the
bin/uv -admin -stop command stops the instance of WebSphere DataStage that is in the /.dshome file.

c.     Run the following commands to stop the WebSphere DataStage services. The paths shown in these commands assume that the product is installed in the default location and uses the default WebSphere Application Server profile. Your path will vary if you installed IBM Information Server in a different location or used a different profile.
d.                 cd ./opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine
   bin/uv –admin –stop

e.      Run the following commands to stop the ASB Agent and the Logging Agent. The paths shown in these commands assume that the product is installed in the default location and uses the default WebSphere Application Server profile. Your path will vary if you installed IBM Information Server in a different location or used a different profile.
f.                 cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin
   ./NodeAgents.sh stop
  1. Stop WebSphere Application Server.
Click All Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server v6 > Profiles > default > Stop the server.
If you installed IBM Information Server in a different WebSphere Application Server profile, you will need to select the correct profile. Your path will vary if you installed IBM Information Server in a different location or used a different profile.

 C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\stopServer.bat server1 -username 
<WAS_Username> -password <WAS_Password>

Linux or UNIX
The path shown in this command assumes that the product is installed in the default location and uses the default WebSphere Application Server profile. Your path will vary if you installed IBM Information Server in a different location or used a different profile.

/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/default/bin/stopServer.sh -username 
<WAS_Username> -password <WAS_Password> 

njoy the simplicity.......
Atul Singh

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