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Thursday, August 16, 2012

InfoSphere DataStage Error Codes

Here I am listing the Error Code which we are facing while developing, testing or running the jobs.
Hope this will help you

API error codes in numerical order
Code Error Token Description
0 DSJE_NOERROR No InfoSphere DataStage API error has occurred.
-1 DSJE_BADHANDLE Invalid JobHandle.
-2 DSJE_BADSTATE Job is not in the right state (compiled, not running).
-3 DSJE_BADPARAM ParamName is not a parameter name in the job.
-4 DSJE_BADVALUE Invalid MaxNumber value.
-5 DSJE_BADTYPE Information or event type was unrecognized.
-6 DSJE_WRONGJOB Job for this JobHandle was not started from a call to DSRunJob by the current process.
-7 DSJE_BADSTAGE StageName does not refer to a known stage in the job.
-8 DSJE_NOTINSTAGE Internal engine error.
-9 DSJE_BADLINK LinkName does not refer to a known link for the stage in question.
-10 DSJE_JOBLOCKED The job is locked by another process.
-11 DSJE_JOBDELETED The job has been deleted.
-12 DSJE_BADNAME Invalid project name.
-13 DSJE_BADTIME Invalid StartTime or EndTime value.
-14 DSJE_TIMEOUT The job appears not to have started after waiting for a reasonable length of time. (About 30 minutes.)
-15 DSJE_DECRYPTERR Failed to decrypt encrypted values.
-16 DSJE_NOACCESS Cannot get values, default values or design default values for any job except the current job.
-99 DSJE_REPERROR General engine error.
-100 DSJE_NOTADMINUSER User is not an administrator.
-101 DSJE_ISADMINFAILED Failed to determine whether user is an administrator.
-102 DSJE_READPROJPROPERTY Failed to read property.
-103 DSJE_WRITEPROJPROPERTY Property not supported.
-104 DSJE_BADPROPERTY Unknown property name.
-105 DSJE_PROPNOTSUPPORTED Unsupported property.
-106 DSJE_BADPROPVALUE Invalid value for this property.
-107 DSJE_OSHVISIBLEFLAG Failed to get value for OSHVisible.
-108 DSJE_BADENVVARNAME Invalid environment variable name.
-109 DSJE_BADENVVARTYPE Invalid environment variable type.
-110 DSJE_BADENVVARPROMPT No prompt supplied.
-111 DSJE_READENVVARDEFNS Failed to read environment variable definitions.
-112 DSJE_READENVVARVALUES Failed to read environment variable values.
-113 DSJE_WRITEENVVARDEFNS Failed to write environment variable definitions.
-114 DSJE_WRITEENVVARVALUES Failed to write environment variable values.
-115 DSJE_DUPENVVARNAME Environment variable being added already exists.
-116 DSJE_BADENVVAR Environment variable does not exist.
-117 DSJE_NOTUSERDEFINED Environment variable is not user-defined and therefore cannot be deleted.
-118 DSJE_BADBOOLEANVALUE Invalid value given for a boolean environment variable.
-119 DSJE_BADNUMERICVALUE Invalid value given for an integer environment variable.
-120 DSJE_BADLISTVALUE Invalid value given for a list environment variable.
-121 DSJE_PXNOTINSTALLED Environment variable is specific to parallel jobs which are not available.
-122 DSJE_ISPARALLELLICENCED Failed to determine if parallel jobs are available.
-123 DSJE_ENCODEFAILED Failed to encode an encrypted value.
-124 DSJE_DELPROJFAILED Failed to delete project definition.
-125 DSJE_DELPROJFILESFAILED Failed to delete project files.
-126 DSJE_LISTSCHEDULEFAILED Failed to get list of scheduled jobs for project.
-127 DSJE_CLEARSCHEDULEFAILED Failed to clear scheduled jobs for project.
-128 DSJE_BADPROJNAME Invalid project name supplied.
-129 DSJE_GETDEFAULTPATHFAILED Failed to determine default project directory.
-130 DSJE_BADPROJLOCATION Invalid path name supplied.
-131 DSJE_INVALIDPROJECTLOCATION Invalid path name supplied.
-132 DSJE_OPENFAILED Failed to open UV.ACCOUNT file.
-133 DSJE_READUFAILED Failed to lock project create lock record.
-134 DSJE_ADDPROJECTBLOCKED Another user is adding a project.
-135 DSJE_ADDPROJECTFAILED Failed to add project.
-136 DSJE_LICENSEPROJECTFAILED Failed to license project.
-137 DSJE_RELEASEFAILED Failed to release project create lock record.
-138 DSJE_DELETEPROJECTBLOCKED Project locked by another user.
-139 DSJE_NOTAPROJECT Failed to log to project.
-140 DSJE_ACCOUNTPATHFAILED Failed to get account path.
-141 DSJE_LOGTOFAILED Failed to log to UV account.
-201 DSJE_UNKNOWN_JOBNAME The supplied job name cannot be found in the project.
-1001 DSJE_NOMORE All events matching the filter criteria have been returned.
-1002 DSJE_BADPROJECT ProjectName is not a known InfoSphere DataStage project.
-1003 DSJE_NO_DATASTAGE InfoSphere DataStage is not installed on the system.
-1004 DSJE_OPENFAIL The attempt to open the job failed - perhaps it has not been compiled.
-1005 DSJE_NO_MEMORY Failed to allocate dynamic memory.
-1006 DSJE_SERVER_ERROR An unexpected or unknown error occurred in the engine.
-1007 DSJE_NOT_AVAILABLE The requested information was not found.
-1008 DSJE_BAD_VERSION The engine does not support this version of the InfoSphere DataStage API.
-1009 DSJE_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER The engine version is incompatible with this version of the InfoSphere DataStage API.
API Communication Layer Error Codes
Error Number Description
39121 The InfoSphere DataStage license has expired.
39134 The InfoSphere DataStage user limit has been reached.
80011 Incorrect system name or invalid user name or password provided.
80019 Password has expired.

njoy the simplicity.......
Atul Singh

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