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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Selecting DataStage job log results in error: Error Selecting from log file RT_LOG

When trying to view a job log in DataStage Director, an error similar to the following is received:

Error selecting from log file RT_LOGnn
Error was: Internal data error. File <path_to>/RT_LOGnn/<filename>':
Computed blink of 0xnnnn does not match expected blink of 0xnnnn! Detected within group starting at address 0xnnnnnn!
The error message received indicates that the log file for the job is corrupted.

To resolve the problem, the log file must be discarded and recreated. There are a number of ways to accomplish this.

  • Reimport the job and overwrite the existing job.
  • Rename the job or do a File-->Save as in Designer. You can then delete the old job and rename your new job back to the original name.
  • Manually recreate the RT_LOGxxx file.

    Note: The job with the associated RT_LOG may need to be re-compiled before it can be run again.

When attempting to overwrite the job, or deleting the original, you may get the error message: Cannot get exclusive of the job. If this happens, make sure that the job is not open in the designer or the director client tools. If this error still appears, take the following steps:
  1. Login to DataStage Administrator and go to the "Projects" tab. Select the project in question and click "Command" button.
  2. Type "LIST.READU EVERY" in the command line. In the results, look for active record locks under "Item Id" column for RT_LOGnn (where nn is the description number as seen in the error)
  3. Write down the inode number and user number for the lock in question.
  4. Enter the command "CHDIR <path to DSEngine directory>". This is necessary because the subsequent UNLOCK command lives in UV account.
  5. Enter "UNLOCK INODE inode# USER user# ALL". This will unlock the lock hold on this file (inode#) and hold by this user (user#) for file locks, group locks and record locks.

Now you should be able to delete or overwrite the job.

Steps to manually recreate the RT_LOGxxx file
  1. Log on to DS Administrator and go to the Projects tab. Select the project in question and click on the "Command" button.
  2. Delete the existing damaged log file with the following command, where xxx is the description number as seen in the error:
  3. Create a new log file with the following command, where xxx is the description number as seen in the error: