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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

DataStage Macros

They are built from Data Stage functions and do not require arguments.
A number of macros are provided in the JOBCONTROL.H file to facilitate getting information about the current job, and links and stages belonging to the current job. These can be used in expressions, job control routines, filenames and table names, and before/after subroutines.

Some Parallel transformer Macros are listed here, as said, these can be used in anywhere in job

This macro will give you the Host name of DataStage server.

It returns the name of the job that started the current one (if any).

This will return the InvocationId of job if job is multiple instance enables

As name says, return the Job name

Return Job Start Date

Return Job Start Time

Return Job Start timestamp

This is kind of Sequence no generated for each successful job run.
When compiled – 0
Each successful run – last+1
Each un-successful run – last+0

Return Project Name of running job

Here you can find a Example Design :  CLICK HERE