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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Adding background colors or background images to emails and other Notes documents - Part 2

Adding background colors or background images to Lotus Notes mail - Part 1


To add a reusable graphic from an application

  1. While creating or editing a document, click Text > Text Properties.
  2. In the properties box, click the arrow next to Text and select Document.
  3. Click the Background tab.
  4. Enter the name of the graphic in the text field in the Graphic or Resource section, or use the folder button to select a graphic.

Remove a graphic from the background

  1. While creating or editing a document, click Text > Text Properties.
  2. In the properties box, click the arrow next to Text and select Document.
  3. Click the Background tab.
  4. Click Remove in the Graphic or Resource section.


Hide a background graphic while your document is in edit mode

  1. While creating or editing a document, click Text > Text Properties.
  2. In the properties box, click the arrow next to Text and select Document.
  3. Click the Background tab.
  4. Select Hide graphic in edit mode in the Options section.

Reset the background to its original color

  1. While creating or editing a document, click Text > Text Properties.
  2. In the properties box, click the arrow next to Text and select Document.
  3. Click the Background tab.
  4. Click the Reset to form color button.

till then.....
njoy the simplicity.......