How to Generate Input Data for your dummy jobs n practice ??
In DataStage, There is a Stage called "Row Generator" under "Devlopment/Debug Stages" category. For Generating the dummy data, we will use this stage.
So, We are going to create a job which generates dummy data.
a) Job Design :
b) RowGenerator Stage :
- Double click on Stage
- Fill the properties tab, Fill the No of Rows you want to generate. ( Here I filled 50 )
- Now, clock on column tab and define the column you needed on o/p file, Need to define Column Name, type, length etc.
c) Seq File Stage
- Define the Seq File stage properties here, Like, O/p file location, delimiter, column name, quotes etc in o/p file.
- and Keep it all other tab as it is.
- Now Save the job design,Compile and RUN.
Output File will look like below -
As we can see, the data generated in this design does not have any meaning, You can generate Meaning full data also.
We will learn in next post, How to generate MeaningFul data ?? Keep looking here....... :-)
More about Developmet/Debug stage : --> Development/Debug Stage in DataStage

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