48 Why can’t we use sequential file as a lookup?
49 What is data warehouse?
50 What is ‘Star-Schema’?
51 What is ‘Snowflake-Schema’?
52 What is difference between Star-Schema and Snowflake-Schema?
53 What is mean by surrogate key?
54 What is ‘Conformed Dimension’?
55 What is Factless Fact Table?
56 When will we use connected and unconnected lookup?
57 Which cache supports connected and unconnected lookup?
58 What is the difference between SCD Type2 and SCD Type3?
59 What is difference between data mart and data warehouse?
60 What is composite key?
61 What is surrogate key? When you will go for it?
62 What is dimensional modeling?
63 What are SCD and SGT? Difference between them? Example of SGT from your project.
64 How do you import your source and targets? What are the types of sources and targets?
65 What is Active Stages and Passive Stages means in datastage?
66 What is difference between Informatica and DataStage? Which do you think is best?
67 What are the stages you used in your project?
68 What do you mean by parallel processing?
69 What is difference between Merge Stage and Join Stage?
70 What is difference between Copy Stage and Transformer Stage?
71 What is difference between ODBC Stage and OCI Stage?
72 What is difference between Lookup Stage and Join Stage?
73 What is difference between Change Capture Stage and Difference Stage?
74 What is difference between Hashed file and Sequential File?
75 What are different Joins used in Join Stage?
76 How you decide when to go for join stage and lookup stage?
77 What is partition key? Which key is used in round robin partition?
78 How do you handle SCD in datastage?
79 What are Change Capture Stage and Change Apply Stages?
80 How many streams to the transformer you can give?
81 What is primary link and reference link?
82 What is routine? What is before and after subroutines? These are run after/before job or stage?
83 What is Config File? Each job having its own config file or one is needed?
84 What is Node?
85 What is IPC Stage? What it increase performance?
86 What is Sequential buffer?
87 What are Link Partioner and Link Collector?
88 What are the performance tunning you have done in your project?
89 Did you done scheduling? How? Can you schedule a job at the every end date of month? How?
90 What is job sequence? Had you run any jobs?
91 What is status view? Why you clear this? If you clear the status view what internally done?
92 What is hashed file? What are the types of hashed file? Which you use? What is default?
93 What is main advantage of hashed file? Difference between them. (static and dynamic)
94 What are containers? Give example from your project.
95 What are parameters and parameter file?
96 How do you convert columns to rows and rows to columns in datastage? (Using Pivot Stage).
97 What is Pivot Stage?
98 "What is execution flow of constraints, derivations and variables in transformer stage? What are these?"
99 How do you eliminate duplicates in datastage? Can you use hash file for it?
100 If 1st and 8th record is duplicate then which will be skipped? Can you configure it?
101 How do you import and export datastage jobs? What is the file extension? (See each component while importing and exporting).
102 How do you rate yourself in DataStage?
103 Explain DataStage Architecture?
104 What is repository? What are the repository items?
105 What is difference between routine and transform?
106 When you write the routines?
107 What is the complex situation you faced in DataStage?
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