#1. Use the Data Set Management utility, which is available in the Tools menu of the DataStage Designer or the DataStage Manager, to examine the schema, look at row counts, and delete a Parallel Data Set. You can also view the data itself.
#2. Use Sort stages instead of Remove duplicate stages. Sort stage has got more grouping options and sort indicator options.
#3. for quick checking if DS job is running on Server or not from UNIX
ps -ef | grep 'DSD.RUN'
#4. Make use of Order By clause when a DB stage is being used in join. The intention is to make use of Database power for sorting instead of Data Stage resources. Keep the join partitioning as Auto. Indicate don’t sort option between DB stage and join stage using sort stage when using order by clause.
#5. What are different types of containers ?
#6. What is difference between Merge stage and Join stage?
#7. Can we use sequential file as reference for lookup stage ?
#8. How a server job can be converted to a parallel job?
#9. How do you find the number of rows in a sequential file in datastage ?
#10. Is it possible to run parallel jobs in server jobs?
#11. Can we take benefit of parallelism in Server job, Is YES, how ?
#12. DataStage Server – stopping the server
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/NodeAgents.sh stop
b) Engine
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/bin/uv -admin –stop
c) WAS Server
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/stopServer.sh server1 -user wasadmin -password PASSWORD
d) DB2
su - db2inst1 -c "db2stop"
#13. There are two types of variables - string and encrypted. If you create an encrypted environment variable it will appears as the string "*******" in the Administrator tool.
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