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Sunday, May 04, 2014

ETL Testing : Approach

Testing is undoubtedly an essential part of DW life-cycle but it received a few attention with respect to other design phases.

DW testing specification:
 – Software testing is predominantly focused on program code, while Software testing is predominantly focused on program code, while DW testing is directed at data and information DW testing is directed at data and information.  .
 – DW testing focuses on the correctness and usefulness of the information delivered to users information delivered to users
 – Differently from generic software systems, DW testing involves a huge data volume huge data volume, which significantly impacts performance and productivity.
 – DW systems are aimed at supporting any views of data, so the possible number of use scenarios is practically infinite and only few them are known from the beginning.
 – It is almost impossible to predict all the possible types of errors that will be encountered in real operational data.

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