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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Framework ( usually followed ) in ETL Testing

To discuss how testing relates to the different phases of data mart design,  this frame-work includes eight phases:

Requirement analysis:

Requirements are elicited from users and represented either informally by means of proper glossaries or formally.

Analysis and reconciliation:

Data sources are inspected, normalized, and integrated to obtain a reconciled schema,

Conceptual design:

A conceptual schema for the data mart { in the form of a set of fact schemata} is designed considering both user requirements and data available in the reconciled schema,

Workload refinement:

The preliminary workload ex-pressed by users is refined and user profiles are singled out, using for instance UML use case diagrams.

Logical design:

A logical schema for the data mart (in the form of a set of star schemata) is obtained by properly translating the conceptual schema.

Data staging design:

ETL procedures are designed considering the source schemata, the reconciled schema, and the data mart logical schema.

Physical design:

This includes index selection, schema fragmentation, and all other issues related to physical allocation.


This includes implementation of ETL procedures and creation of front-end reports.

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