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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

DataStage Warning : When checking operator: Operator of type "APT_TSortOperator": will partition despite the preserve-partitioning flag on the data set on input port 0

DataStage Warning : When checking operator: Operator of type "APT_TSortOperator": will partition despite the preserve-partitioning flag on the data set on input port 0.

These warnings are obtained when we are using some specific partitioning method in a stage in the job e.g hash/same etc but in the preceding stage , preserve portioning(also default) is set in the stage>advanced tab.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

DataStage Warning - APT_CombinedOperatorController

While we are running DataStage job, we got this warning like..

APT_CombinedOperatorController(1),0:  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
APT_CombinedOperatorController(2),1:  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

We don't get the stage name which is causing this issue ? How we will get the Culprit Stage :-) ?

Solution :

Friday, September 26, 2014

DataStage Warning - Agg,1: Hash table has grown to 16384 entries

Sometime when we are running Datastage job in which we are using Aggregator stage, we get below warning -

Agg,1: Hash table has grown to 16384 entries.
Agg,0: Hash table has grown to 16384 entries. 

Solution :

Thursday, September 25, 2014

File descripters in Unix

A file descriptor is an abstract value of type Unix.file_descr, containing information necessary to use a file: a pointer to the file, the access rights, the access modes (read or write), the current position in the file
or we can say
Under the covers of the Unix operating system, files are referenced, copied, and moved by unique numbers known as file descriptors.

Three descriptors are predefined. They correspond to standard input, standard output, and standard error.

0 - stdin (Standard Input)  "<"
1 - stdout ( Standard Output) "1>" or ">"
2 - stderr ( Standard Error) "2>"

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Show Hidden Character in VI Unix

If you need to show hidden characters such as tab, return carriage, you can use the following command in vi

    In vi (command mode -> Escape) , type

    :set list
    to show all the hidden characters.

    You can also type

    :set nolist 
    to turn it off

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    Wednesday, September 17, 2014

    Read Fixed Width Flat File with Sequential File Stage

    If we have a fixed width Flat file, we can read it via Sequential File stage only, no need to use Import Stage.   For reading a Fixed Width Flat file, you should know the format of Fixed width data. How are the data splitting into two or more output columns.

    Here, I demonstrate How to read a Fixed Width Flat file from Sequential File Stage

    A. Input File :

    Below is the Input file which we are going to use in our job. This file contains a column RollNo which is concatenation of 4 fixed width columns which we have to split and read.

    Monday, September 08, 2014

    Peek Stage in DataStage - 3

    In today's post, we will discuss a important property of PEEK stage. What if you want to peek some data as well as want to take action or wanna do something with data after peeking. For enabling this, datastage gives you a option to do this.

    1. Job Design :

    for this demo, we will use below job design to explain, as you can see, There are 2 link coming out from PEEK stage. 
    First Link  --> This link contain the PEEK data as per property defined in peek stage. (here you can see 40 rows ( 10 rows from each partition x 4 nodes )
    Second Link --> this link contain the Whole stream data.  ( All 100 rows )

    Friday, September 05, 2014

    Peek Stage in DataStage - 2

    Lets continue our journey with PEEK stage, today in this post, I am going to share one more option about PEEK stage. Sending the Peek data into a output file..

    1. Job design :  

    For this demo job, we will use below job design. You can see we have attached a seq file after the peek stage which will capture the Peeked data

    Tuesday, September 02, 2014

    Peek Stage in DataStage - 1

    The Peek stage is a Development/Debug stage. It can have a single input link and any number of output links.
    The Peek stage lets you print record column values either to the job log or to a separate output link as the stage copies records from its input data set to one or more output data sets.

    1. Design :

    We are using below design to demonstrate the functionality of PEEK stage in datastage. Job design is having 3 stages, Row Generator , data source, for generating the dummy data for the job. Here, we can use any data source whether it is DB, dataset or flat files. Transformer, just as a stage, creating negative values of source data. Peek for Peeking :-)