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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Creating the Virtual Machine on Windows and Sharing folder with Guest OS[Linux]

I am recommending the Oracle Virtual Box for hosting a guest OS.

1) Download and Install the VirtualBox

2) Install the respected VirtualBox Extension

you can download it from here

3) Now Install the OS you want to.
    While creating the Hard disk select "Virtual Hard Disk-VHD", Dynamically allocated options

4) After Installation of Linux Guest OS, open the terminal

5) create the folder "share" (u can name it different if want) on current user’s Desktop { In my case, /home/dsadmin/Desktop/share}, not on root.

6) su to root

7) in terminal, type below command...
            cd /media/cdrom

For 32-bit (x86) guest OS, run the following command to install Virtual Box Guest Additions:
            sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run

For 64-bit (x64) guest OS, run the following command:
            sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-amd64.run

8) After successful installation of Additions, restart the machine.

9) Now select the respected OS in Vitual Box and open the Settings of Guest OS

10) Go to "Share Folder" and create a entry under Machine Folder, like
            Folder Path  -- C:\ { u can put the folder path u want to share with Guest OS }
            Folder Name -- share {u can use diff also}
            select auto mount
and save the setting

11) After restart of Guest OS, open terminal and su to root and execute below command
            mount -t vboxsf share /home/dsadmin/Desktop/share
here, first "share" == defined in "Share Folder" setting of Vbox
second "share" = folder created on Guest OS
dsadmin == Non root user on Linux

Now, you can see the shared directory which is mounted on "share" folder on Linux

njoy the simplicity.......
Atul Singh

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