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Thursday, September 06, 2012

Managing profiles on WebSphere Application Server V7

Listing WebSphere Application Server profiles

To list all profiles on a server:
  • On Windows: was_install_dir\bin\manageprofiles.bat –listProfiles
  • On UNIX/Linux:was_install_dir/bin/manageprofiles.sh –listProfiles

Identify the root directory of a WebSphere Application Server profile
To identify the root directory of a WebSphere Application Server profile:
  • On Windows:was_install_dir>\bin\manageprofiles.bat –getPath –profileName profile
  • On UNIX/Linux: was_install_dir/bin/manageprofiles.sh –getPath –profileName profile

Identify the port for a profile
To identify the port for a profile:
1.    Locate the root directory for the profile.
2.    Open the profile information file was_profiles_dir/profile_name/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt.
3.    Read the value of the HTTP TRANSPORT PORT parameter.

Locate an application in a WebSphere Application Server profile
To locate an application in a WebSphere Application Server profile:
1.    Using a browser, connect to the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console for the profile containing the application (http://server:port/ibm/console.
2.    Navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, which lists the applications.

Removing an application from a WebSphere Application Server profile

To remove an application from a WebSphere Application Server profile on Windows:
1.    Connect to the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console for the profile containing the application, from a browser using the following URL: http://server:port/ibm/console.
2.    Navigate to Applications -> Application Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications.
3.    Check the box to the left of the application that is to be removed.
4.    Click on Uninstall and confirm your action.
5.    Save the change to the Master Configuration.
6.    Stop and then start the profile to apply the change.

Removing a WebSphere Application Server profile

To remove a WebSphere Application Server profile:
1.    Delete the profile using one of these commands:
o    On Windows: was_install_dir\bin\manageprofiles.bat –delete –profileName profile
o    On UNIX/Linux: was_install_dir/bin/manageprofiles.sh –delete –profileName profile
2.    Ensure that references to the deleted profile are removed from the profile registry by running the following command:
o    On Windows: was_install_dir\bin\manageprofiles.bat –validateAndUpdateRegistry
o    On UNIX/Linux: was_install_dir/bin/manageprofiles.sh –validateAndUpdateRegistry
3.    Delete the profile directory tree (if it was not deleted by the previous action) starting at profile_dir.

njoy the simplicity.......
Atul Singh

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