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Monday, November 05, 2012

General hardware, software, and environment information for AIX and Linux

Whenever we are reporting for any issue to support team, they are usually ask these details

·         Operating system version
·         Operating system patches or maintenance level
·         Operating system environment variables
·         Operating system configuration & error reporting
·         Operating system kernel parameters
·         Operating system processes
·         Mounted file systems and disk resources
·         Hostname information and network information

Machine hardware information, machine model, CPUs, network
uname -a or oslevel -q
operating system version
/usr/sbin/instfix -ivq
operating system patches or maintenance level
operating system environment variable
operating system configuration and error reporting
/usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0
operating system kernel parameters
ulimit -a
operating system current ulimit (system resources) settings
ps -ef > ps.log
operating system processes, saved in ps.log file
List of the mounted file systems with location of scratch and permanent disk resources
df -g
Description of the amount of space available on each mounted file system
ifconfig -a
Network interfaces on the system, including the associated IP address
Fully-qualified DNS name for this system
Collect:  /etc/services
System configuration files

uname -a
operating system version
/bin/rpm -qa
operating system patches or maintenance level
operating system environment variable
operating system configuration and error reporting
/sbin/sysctl -a
operating system kernel parameters
ulimit -a
operating system current ulimit (system resources) settings
ps -ef > ps.log
operating system processes, saved in ps.log file
List of the mounted file systems with location of scratch and permanent disk resources
df -a -k
Description of the amount of space available on each mounted file system
ifconfig -a
Network interfaces on the system, including the associated IP address
hostname -f
Fully-qualified DNS name for this system
Collect:  /etc/services
System configuration files

till then.....
njoy the simplicity.......