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Monday, January 21, 2013

Clean ReStart of the IBM InfoSphere DataStage Engine

If you suspect some Client sessions did not cleanly end or disconnect, you can perform a clean restart to make sure the DataStage Engine is starting from scratch. Please make sure all clients are logged off and no jobs are running before performing the below steps.
Here are the instructions for a clean restart of DataStage Engine:
  1. Log on to server as dsadm or root
  2. cd $DSHOME
  3. source the environment:
    . ./dsenv      # that is dot space dot slash dsenv
  4. Check for DataStage client connections
    ps -ef | grep dsapi_slave
    ps -ef | grep dscs

    If there are any connections found, use kill -9 <process number> to remove them.
  5. Check for jobs processes:
    ps -ef | grep phantom | grep java | grep agentf 

    If there are any connections found, use kill -9 <process number> to remove them.
  6. Check datastage shared memory segments:
    ipcs -mop | grep ade

    If there any shared memory segments returned, remove them, use command:

    ipcrm -m ID , where ID is the number from the second column of ipcs -mop

    NOTE: On Red Hat Linux, use option "-mp" instead of "-mop".
  7. Check if there is any port hung using:
    netstat -a | grep dsrpc

    If you get any results and the dsrpc is in WAIT then you need to wait until this it disappears (you can also reboot the machine).
  8. At this point you can stop or start the DataStage Engine.
    bin/uv -admin -stop
    bin/uv -admin -start

When you have cleanly restarted the DataStage Engine, try logging in with the DataStage clients