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Monday, May 11, 2015

SQL Assignment06 - Group By or Having Clause

1. List the branches having sum of deposit more than 5000.
2. List the branches having a sum of deposit more than 5000 and located in city BOMBAY.
3. List the name of Customers having deposit in the branches where the average deposit is more than 5000.
4. List the names of customers having maximum deposit.
5. List the names of customers having maximum deposit in the table CUSTOMERS living in Nagpur.
6. List the name of branch having highest number of depositors.
7. Count the number of depositors living in Nagpur.
8. Give name of customers in VRCE branch having more deposit than all customers from same branch.
9. Give names of customers in VRCE branch having more deposit than any other customers in same branch.
10. Give names of customers having highest deposit in the branch where Sunil is having deposit.
11. Give names of customers having highest deposit in the city where branch of Sunil is located.
12. Give names of customers having more deposit than the average deposit in their respective branches.
13. Give names of customers having maximum depositors among deposits of Nagpur for branch VRCE.
14. Give the name of branch where depositors is more than 5.
15. Give names of branches having the number of depositors more than the number of borrowers.
16. Give name of city having more customers living in than Nagpur.
17. Give the names of cities in which the maximum number of branches are located.
18. Give the names of customers living in the city  where the maximum number of depositors are located.
19. Give the name of customers having  the same branch city and highest borrower.
20. Count the number of customers living in the city where branch is located.

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